Invited speakers
Dr. Christian Rätsch, Anthropologist
Dr. Claudia Mueller-Ebeling, Art Historian
Dr. Manuel Torres, Art Historian and Archeologist
Donna Torres, Artist
Lectures by Christian Rätsch
- Ethnobotanical parallels between Central and South America
- DMT and Nature
- The World Heritage of Shamanism
Lectures by Claudia Mueller-Ebeling
- Visionary Art
- Types of Shamanism
- Ayahuasca Paintings
Lectures by Manuel Torres
- The Antiquity of Psychoactive Plant Use in the Americas
- Tiahuanaco Iconography, Landscape, and Sacred Plants: A Precolumbian Writing System?
Lecture and workshop by Donna Torres
- Preserving indigenous plant traditions: botanical illustration in the Atacama Desert (see Indigenous Botanical Illustration Project and Chile Illustration Project)
- Visualizing nature: capturing the human/plant connection in graphite and watercolor (workshop)