Building a Cacti House-Project
Adding a transparent roof to the house as well as glass walls. Bringing river sand to the same area and installing a solar panel and a container to gather rainwater for the dry periods. Donations are tax deductible.


One important project for 2024 is the completion of the Cacti and Succulent house. The main frame of the house has already been built, but we still need to add a transparent roof to the house as well as glass walls.
We will bring river sand, provided by our own spring, to the area where we are going to keep our collection of cacti, while keeping an area as a nursery for the most important new plants coming to Wasiwaska.
It is going to be called The Deborah Cacti and Succulent house in the honour of the mother of one of our donors who promised to send enough funds to finish this project.
We will send photos of the completion process.